Contacting your local pest exterminator is extremely easy with Jim’s. Our call centre operates 7 days a week between the hours of 8am to 8pm. If you need to contact us outside of these hours, all you need to do is fill in our online enquiry form.

To get in touch with us by phone, simply call 131 546 and our friendly staff will take your details.

Discovering pests inside your home can be extremely alarming. Some pests may be small, but the fear response they can evoke can be concerning.

If this occurs after business hours, or on a weekend, it can be problematic. The immediate thought is that you will not be able to contact a pest controller to help.

At Jim’s Pest Control we fully understand this. Thus, we have made it possible for our clients to contact us 7 days a week. Even after hours you are likely to receive a very quick call back from one of our technicians.

This availability is why so many Newcastle residents now call Jim’s with their pest problems.

Contact Us

Many ways to contact a Jim’s pest exterminator

Obviously, the quickest way to contact us is still by phone. Our Australian call centre operates 7 days a week and, is only closed on certain public holidays.

Our friendly call centre staff will ask you for your details, and also about the pests you want to have treated. They will then search and find the closest available local technician to you. Next, our tech will be sent your details and will contact you within 2 hours, but often within minutes of your phone call.

We have embraced new technologies which has made it even simpler to contact us. The “free quote” button on this page feeds directly into our system.

Even through social media you can contact us. Often it is just for some simple advice or pest identification. Clients find this service extremely helpful.

There is a vast library of videos and photographs of work our technicians have completed over the years.

Pests discovered after hours

Our lives have changed dramatically over the past few years. In most families both parents work. Often, when you get home, is when you discover an invasion of pests.

It is even worse if you discover them on the weekend, thinking you will think you have to put up with them for days.

At Jim’s, we understand this. To cater for that requirement our local technicians often make themselves available outside of normal business hours.

Having someone readily available comes as a relief to most clients. It allows them the flexibility of deciding when they can get their home or businesses treated.